Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Princes Trust A - Z : E for Exotic

todays letter is E for Exotic - not a portrait of E L Gray but one of Scott Adams and his pet corn snake . Read how with the The Princes Trust assistance, Scott bettered his despair with the job market and turned his fascination with the animal kingdom into a nice little earner....

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The AZ of Young Businesses campaign photography for The Princes Trust

Many miles and a new exhaust later,  my pix for The Princes Trust new campaign ' The AZ of Young Businesses ' has recently gone live . To quote their own website, it consists of a

  " a stunning series of photographs which we’ll be releasing, one a day, for the next month.
Like the images that represent them, these young businesses are inspirational, vibrant and full of ideas " 
....well who am I to argue . Great to see so many young people many of which havent had the best of starts in life,  trying to make a go of it. 
The images can be viewed on The Trusts website with a new letter being added daily or else look out for them as they feature in the press.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Best of British comes to Leeds

Best of British comes to Leeds

  Peter Dench has taken it upon himself to take the Great British Public show on tour moving it 195 miles north to his newly minted White Cloth Galley in Leeds . So if you missed it the first time round and your passing that way do try and stop in . Thankyou Peter
the show runs from 19 / 07 - 01 / 10 with a related workshop in the works for one weekend in September. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Riverford Organic photo film

  My latest photo film for Riverford Organic is now available to view . It follows Stephen Spears owner of the Brighton and Hove franchise on his delivery rounds and then at a local show where he sets out his stall and seduces potential new customers by rustling up one of his signature squash curries.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Switchback photo film

My latest photo film commission for charity Switchback is now available to view on my website

Countdown to the Great British Public Show

Several of my photo films are to feature in The London Festival of Photography's 
Great British Public Show 01 - 24 June 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

World Book Day @ The Southbank slideshow on Writer Pictures blog

Mr Andy Stanton - ow's about that ! 
a link to my World Book Day back stage portraits and 'action' shots as featured on the Writer Pix blog. WP are a very personable 'boutique' [ they call them now ] agency carving out a niche in quality images of writers of all genres . Reinforcing and reflecting the writer as one of our culture's newly minted celebrity types opinions on which will no doubt vary according to where you sit within the 'supply chain' 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

photo films

Photo Film / Audio slide shows  

For anyone that's missed them and has a spare few minutes . Links to some of my previous  photo films . A series of mini docs for The Guardian website and BBC news online website they're quite addictive and can give a lot of online video a run for it's money not least cos they cost a fraction of what most them will set you back....

the philosopher barber 

the pagan white witch 

the ice cream van man 

the society photographer

for  BBC news online 

the volunteer / reservist 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dogs Today and tomoro

Barley Kennels goes viral , well Dog's Today magazine

view it here on my site

Friday, February 24, 2012